Bea Gandica
Bea Mendez Gandica has been selected as AAAS IF/THEN® Ambassador by the American Association for the […]
LiC Co-founder Cecilia Aragón is an award-winning author, airshow pilot, and the first Latina full professor […]
LiC Board Member and LATINITY Co-founder Natalie Gil was recognized in 2019 and 2020 as one […]
Dr. Ann Gates
Dr. Ann Quiroz Gates, a long-term Latinas in Computing partner and nationally recognized computer science scholar […]
LiC Co-Chair and Board Member Dr. Mirkeya Capellán was recognized with the Hostos “Alumni Excellence Award” […]
LiC Co-founder Dr. Patty Lopez dedicates much of her time to K through 12 STEM education, […]
LiC Co-founder Raquel Romano was recognized as CNET’s 20 Most Influential Latino/as in 2014. You can […]
LiC Co-founder Dilma Da Silva became a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) […]
LiC Co-founder Gilda Garretón was awarded the 2011 HENAAC Luminaries Award for her diversity work. Gilda’s […]